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"Then He said to His disciples "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."  Matthew 9:37-38


David Hedrick has embraced the role of Mission Team Leader for the upcoming planting of the church in Rome. Aron and Lyndall Kuch have been assisting him in his efforts as well as Bernardine Polo who has been living in Rome for six months at a time for the last few years hoping and waiting for a church to be established. They have consistently sought advice, input, guidance and support from the European Mission Society, the Mission Team leaders(Annie and Joe Silipo) who established the first ICOC church in Milan, and the current leaders of the Milan church to develop the plans for this Expedition as well as those for planting the church Rome by the end of 2025. Each member has this same hope: that God will grant encouragement and knowledge as the fertile ground in Rome is explored in order to establish His church there. 


This trip serves to attract more people who have a heart like Joshua and Caleb to join us in the heart of the city of Rome. The goal is to become familiar with the culture, it's people, and to create and maintain connections with them and each other. We hope to accomplish this by meeting daily to pray over the city, enjoying amazing Italian cuisine at mealtimes, exploring the iconic tourist sites like the Coliseum, the Vatican rich in religious history, as well as gathering for bible discussions and a church service with some of the members of the Milan church. Please join us and discover God's will for you and for the 2.8 million people living in Rome whom the Lord will call. 


All are welcome to join us in Rome from Tuesday, June 4th through Sunday, June 9th. The costs associated with this trip will vary depending on the accommodations you choose, the form of transportation you will use while in Rome, and how much you wish to spend on eating out or preparing your own meals or meals with the group. Flight arrangements to and from where you live and Rome will also vary. Here we will make suggestions and share opportunities which may be more cost effective.  The information will be updated regularly as well as our itinerary for the trip so please continue to visit this site until the trip is underway.

For those interested, the Milan Church is having their annual retreat in the northern mountains of Italy prior to the expedition, Saturday, June 1st and Sunday June 2nd. If interested, you will need to register and pay for that separately.


More details, our forum page, blog, and the daily itinerary are COMING SOON. You can also click here to send us your contact info.

Click on a picture below for facts and history about Rome

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