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Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. (Ephesians 3:20-21)

The Mission to Rome...


A group of disciples from around the world have connected and discussed their visions for Rome over the past two years. The focus has been how to turn these visions into reality. This group strongly desires to be used by God displaying His transformative power to make disciples of the people now living in Rome and establish His church there by the end of 2025. A WhatsApp Rome Group was created and zoom meetings have been held monthly (now bi-weekly) to communicate, pray together and strategize to develop plans to make this happen. This is how the Rome Expedition has come to be. Just as Joshua and Caleb returned with uplifting news from their expedition (“Let’s go at once to take the land,” he said. “We can certainly conquer it!”) This is the first step to establishing God's Kingdom in Rome. ​We can only imagine what else God will do.  In a nation with a population of approximately 58 million people and visited by over 64 million people yearly, there is currently only one Church of Christ in Milan. There are just over 100 members currently and some of them also have a vision for a church to be established in Rome. Visions do become reality when they are from God and His people answer His call. All who share this vision and want to contribute are welcome by visiting our contact page.


The Mission to Milan....


The Milan church was the first to be planted in Italy. Joe and Annie Silipo left their beautiful home in America with their 3 school-aged kids to make this vision a reality.  The following was recently written by Annie Silipo:

Back in the late 1980’s early 1990’ s the Boston Church of Christ was on fire sending church plantings all around the world. When it was time for the church to launch in 1991 to Milan, Italy, we were called to this vision of God along with the Tranchells. The vision was to bring the life-giving, saving Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of Italy. Our small team of 22 disciples from different sections of the world massed together for weeks prior to our departure for fellowship, relationship building, spiritual feeding and encouragement. All of us left our homes, jobs, and families to move to this distant land. Most of us had little to no knowledge of the culture, language, support, or financial stability for such a move. We only trusted in God and our passion for what we believed He had placed on our hearts to do.

The first year of the Milan planting in 1991, God provided answered prayers and miracles such as 106 in attendance at our first official service and 12 baptisms. During this time God stirred our hearts to plant the church in Rome. However, our plans don’t always coincide with God’s. Our family needed to return to Boston after that first year leaving much work to be done in Milan. We returned to Milan in 2006, to lead the church until 2014 when again we needed to move back to America.

The current leaders are Jon and Rachel Bulchholz who also moved to Milan from America in 2014 with a vision for Italy. Praise God for the many faithful disciples in the Milan church. They have weathered all the flaming arrows of Satan through the years. Because of their faith, they have stood firm and many more blessings have been provided to this day. Now we believe it’s time for Rome! Dio Benedica!(God bless)






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